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What's Included in Your Session..

Consult: Start with a chat with our therapists to tailor your session to your wellness needs.

Tailored Massage: Enjoy a massage crafted just for you, blending techniques for relief and relaxation.

Free Topical Relief: Choose Arnica for inflammation or Biofreeze for cooling pain relief, applied on key areas during your massage.

Custom Aftercare: End with personalized advice on stretches or referrals to keep you feeling great.

Our Services...

Therapeutic Massage: Targeted relief from muscle tension, chronic pain, and stress.

Myofascial Release: Release tightness and restore mobility in connective tissues.

Craniosacral Therapy: Gentle therapy to enhance relaxation and balance craniosacral rhythm.

Lymphatic Drainage: Promote detoxification and reduce swelling for overall wellness.

Long COVID Support: Tailored sessions to aid recovery from lingering symptoms and fatigue.

Kids Massage: Gentle and soothing massage sessions tailored for children's well-being.

Relaxation Techniques: Various methods to unwind, rejuvenate, and promote inner peace.

Explore our full range of services by clicking "Book Now" below...






"This place is amazing and is a very therapeutic from the moment I walk in!!! A must try !"

Pamela Robinson
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